Devlog #1

Hi guys!

it's time to talk a little bit about the development of Mercenaries!


This first version already has several mechanics on which the game will be developed, for example the contracts of the girls, the improvement of the house etc...

I'm already working on improving these mechanics for future updates.


Of course! currently the game has a small mini-game to advance the story of one of the girls, more will be added in future updates!

Crafting and resources

Let's be clear from this moment! I'm not going to force you to pick 200 apples to make a cake for a side mission, I try to be as respectful as possible with the time you spend in the game to not be constantly reading the same dialogs and watching the same scenes, the same will be with the mechanics of crafting and collecting.

H Scenes

Yes, of course! Many more!

I am of course open to suggestions, opinions and changes to improve the experience.

That's all for now, I will try to make these updates not so technical in the future and as short as possible, Thank you very much for all the support shown! I really have no words to thank you so much! I never imagined that you would like my first VN so much! 

If you want to support the development of the game you can visit my Patreon :D

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Suggestions only 2

Bottom text grey to get to save, skip etc is a bit hard to read in grey. Black would be better.

Sandcastle minigame timer is low for those that play on notebook with trackpad. I've put it to 25 instead of 15 within the save file and it was more reasonable to complete.

Hi JJ Chu (Kitcat)!

Thank you very so for your suggestions! you are right, I will make the necessary adjustments ;)

(2 edits) (+1)

Hi sorry. It's me again ._.

Translation mistake


 367   captain "I am Captain Leonardo, I will be his instructor and commander, I am not his mother, I am not his friend and I am not his nanny!!!!"


367 captain "I am Captain Leonardo, I will be your instructor and commander!"

 368  captain "I am not your mother, I am not your friend and I am not your nanny!!!"

Alternative texts


763  alice "Would you survive a night out in those conditions?"


763 alice "Would you survive a night? In your physical condition?! You need rest."

excenas alice.rpy


449 alice "Gosh, my vagina is really so hot."

452 alice "and horny..."

454 alice "And s... {w}sensitive!"

470 alice "Ok I admit it, I can't stop now"


449 alice "My cooch is really  tickled"

452 alice "..."

453 alice "hnn"

455  alice "And s... {w}sensitive!"

471  alice "I can't stop now"

(Nothing got leaked, used a decompiler to get source script)

(2 edits)

Hi JJ Chu (Kitcat)!

I just made all the corrections you suggest, thank you very much for your help bro!!


Whoa thanks. If you need any prescreen for proof read shoot them over.

Steam : j_osaurus

Discord: JJ_Chu (Kitcat)#0988

Thankyou so much bro, I need a little help with that


Would the sister ever come back? She never got to see the bro again! Sad times. 


Absolutely! :D


Would the sister come back as a fuckable, though? I might be deranged being into sis-con, but that might be nice.

Totally agree bro but I also agree that it could be interesting, but I insist, totally optional.


Some feed back make the intractable objects a bit more distinctual